Politics. People. Decline. History. Music. Redemption. Thoughtcrime. Humor. Revenge. Mistakes. Fear. Media. Antiauthoritarianism. Truth. Longing. Insecurity. Schadenfreude. Complaint. Peace. Love. Nothingness. Nature. Something new all the time.

25 October 2006

Screw the Cardinals!

One of the things I enjoy most deeply about popular American culture is baseball. Now, I hate it when politics gets injected needlessly into the national pastime, like when the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown banned Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon from speaking because they opposed the ruinous invasion of Iraq. (By the way, baseball was NOT invented in Cooperstown so screw the hall of fame too, which is pretty lame anyway if you've ever been there). Or, like when the Red Sox' idiot pitcher Curt Schilling was a shill for Bush after the Sox won it all in 2004 in the lead up to the presidential election. By the way, the Red Sox were redeemed because the team owners and GM came out for Kerry in that same election, which wouldn't have been necessary were it not for the right wing Sox pitcher.

Now, the Cardinals' millionaire starting pitcher for game four of the World Series, a fool with a fastball named Jeff Suppan, is in a new advertisement against stem cell research in Missouri.

The ad also features the football Cardinals' dumbass quarterback Kurt Warner.  The ad is intended to counter the great ad by Parkinson's Disease-afflicted actor Michael J. Fox in support of Missouri Democratic Senate candidate Claire McCaskill. So basically, the Card's ace Suppon is siding with the Repug Senator Talent, George Bush, Rush Limbaugh and the other assorted characters of death and blight whose ideology opposes curing disease.

So, I say: Screw the Cardinals! I hope that they lose big time, tonight and in the series. I hope Suppan gets shelled. My beloved Royals whipped the Cards in 1985, and it was great. Another team I root for, the Red Sox, made them look bad in 2004, and I enjoyed that a lot too.

Now it is time for the Detroit Tigers to get their asses in gear and send this right-wing baseball team home with no trophy. All in their right minds, with the exception of those near St. Louis and voting for McCaskill, should be rooting against cure-hater Suppan and the Cardinals. Through bad Karma shall they lose.

A note: the Cardinals were the vehicle by which steroids-addled cheater Mark McGwire hit 70 homers in 1998, and then had the temerity to embrace the family of Roger Maris, who'd set the record fair and square in 1961. As I said: screw the Cardinals!  

24 October 2006

Googlebombing GOP Losers

--AZ-Sen: Jon Kyl

--AZ-01: Rick Renzi

--AZ-05: J.D. Hayworth

--CA-04: John Doolittle

--CA-11: Richard Pombo

--CA-50: Brian Bilbray

--CO-04: Marilyn Musgrave

--CO-05: Doug Lamborn

--CO-07: Rick O'Donnell

--CT-04: Christopher Shays

--FL-13: Vernon Buchanan

--FL-16: Joe Negron

--FL-22: Clay Shaw

--ID-01: Bill Sali

--IL-06: Peter Roskam

--IL-10: Mark Kirk

--IL-14: Dennis Hastert

--IN-02: Chris Chocola

--IN-08: John Hostettler

--IA-01: Mike Whalen

--KS-02: Jim Ryun

--KY-03: Anne Northup

--KY-04: Geoff Davis

--MD-Sen: Michael Steele

--MN-01: Gil Gutknecht

--MN-06: Michele Bachmann

--MO-Sen: Jim Talent

--MT-Sen: Conrad Burns

--NV-03: Jon Porter

--NH-02: Charlie Bass

--NJ-07: Mike Ferguson

--NM-01: Heather Wilson

--NY-03: Peter King

--NY-20: John Sweeney

--NY-26: Tom Reynolds

--NY-29: Randy Kuhl

--NC-08: Robin Hayes

--NC-11: Charles Taylor

--OH-01: Steve Chabot

--OH-02: Jean Schmidt

--OH-15: Deborah Pryce

--OH-18: Joy Padgett

--PA-04: Melissa Hart

--PA-07: Curt Weldon

--PA-08: Mike Fitzpatrick

--PA-10: Don Sherwood

--RI-Sen: Lincoln Chafee

--TN-Sen: Bob Corker

--VA-Sen: George Allen

--VA-10: Frank Wolf

--WA-Sen: Mike McGavick

--WA-08: Dave Reichert

18 October 2006

Cole Dead Just Fodder for GOP Slime Cannon

Yesterday, The Washington Post's Dan Foomkin provided excellent insight into the deep cynicism of the Bush/Repug party's use of sailors who died in service to America.

The White House issued a solemn statement Thursday commemorating the sixth anniversary of the al Qaeda attack on the USS Cole.

The White House has been citing the Cole a lot lately, as part of its narrative that President Clinton, who was in charge back then, was asleep at the switch when it came to terrorism.

I went back to see what the White House statement was like on the fifth anniversary of the attack on the Cole. But there wasn't one!

And there wasn't one on the fourth, the third, the second or the first, either.

This is nothing new. In fact, military genius Bush was using the Cole dead for his own political cockamamy back in 2000, as a candidate. On Oct. 12, 2000, hours after the attack on the USS Cole, Bush was asked about the bombing. His response?
"Today, we lost sailors because of what looks like to be a terrorist attack. Terror is the enemy. Uncertainty is what the world is going to be about, and the next president must be able to address uncertainty. And that's why I want our nation to develop an antiballistic missile system that will have the capacity to bring certainty into this uncertain world."
Wow, that missile shield would have really helped a lot on 9/11! Oh, and by the way, what did the Bush junta do about those evil al Qeda-types after is was defitnitively determined that they had carried out the murderous attack upon the Cole? As this article in The Washington Post explains, they didn't do much...
But after concluding that bin Laden's group had carried out the October 2000 attack on the USS Cole - a conclusion stated without hedge in a Feb. 9 briefing for Vice President Cheney - the new administration did not choose to order armed forces into action.
But neocon GOP cynics don't allow their own inaction to stop them from issuing a faux solemn press release commemorating the SIXTH anniversary of the attack, in hopes that the people you can fool "all of the time," as Lincoln put it, will buy into their uber-selling point that Repugs are strong and Dems are weak on terror.

That such BS passes for leadership shames our great nation.

03 October 2006

WashTimes: Out with the Liar, In with the Adulterer!

About those Republican family values: Today, the Moonie-owned archconservative Washington Times calls for the ouster of Dennis Hastert as the Speaker of the House. The paper blames Hastert for looking the other way while a child predator preyed on vulnerable underage pages in the halls of Congress. Then, the Speaker lied about it.

On Friday, Mr. Hastert dissembled, to put it charitably, before conceding that he, too, learned about the e-mail messages sometime earlier this year.
But what is amazing is with whom they want to replace Hastert the Liar...
While I applaud the Washington Times for standing against the GOP's leaders, who are hell-bent on protecting Hastert et al, despite the growing pile of evidence showing they enabled a pedophile, I can't help but laugh at this...

A special, one-day congressional session should elect a successor. We nominate Rep. Henry Hyde, also of Illinois, the chairman of the House International Relations Committee whose approaching retirement ensures that he has no dog in this fight. He has a long and principled career, and is respected on both sides of the aisle.

It is just me, or does anybody else remember that Henry Hyde is an adulterer? I find it simply breathtaking that the party of so-called family values cannot look within its own ranks to find one solitary soul capable of leadership who does not suffer the taint of corruption, pedophilia, addiction, criminal indictment or adultery.

But then again, in this sense, perhaps Hyde would make the perfect Republican leader.

02 October 2006

Card Wanted Lieberman to Run Iraq Fiasco

Joementum is such a loyal supporter of Bush's Iraq War that former Bush chief of staff Andrew Card considered him as a replacement for Donald Rumsfeld after the 2004 election, according to Bob Woodward's new book.

Now, Lieberman has zero military experience.

He has never even run a large organization, aside from a few crappy political campaigns.

My question for Connecticut voters: except for blindly unwavering loyalty to a failed Iraq/Middle East policy (U.S. deaths confirmed by DoD as of 10/2: 2708), and personal fealty to a failed U.S. president (see "The Kiss"), why would BushCo consider putting Joe Lieberman (a.k.a. to Rethugs as "Loserman") in charge of the U.S. military?