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02 October 2006

Card Wanted Lieberman to Run Iraq Fiasco

Joementum is such a loyal supporter of Bush's Iraq War that former Bush chief of staff Andrew Card considered him as a replacement for Donald Rumsfeld after the 2004 election, according to Bob Woodward's new book.

Now, Lieberman has zero military experience.

He has never even run a large organization, aside from a few crappy political campaigns.

My question for Connecticut voters: except for blindly unwavering loyalty to a failed Iraq/Middle East policy (U.S. deaths confirmed by DoD as of 10/2: 2708), and personal fealty to a failed U.S. president (see "The Kiss"), why would BushCo consider putting Joe Lieberman (a.k.a. to Rethugs as "Loserman") in charge of the U.S. military?


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