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08 November 2006

Thanks S.R. Sidarth!

You are a great American, S.R. Sidarth! I believe it may be your deed in videotaping the "macaca moment" of that vile clown, George Allen, that won the Senate for the Democratic Party in 2006. Thanks for your volunteerism, political involvement and willingness to subject yourself to the hateful abuse of a has-been racist politician. Your deeds tipped the scale, your little video had the political impact of a sledgehammer. I hope you remain active in politics and consider running for office yourself one day -- judging by your patience and tolerant demeanor you would make an excellent politician, perhaps a Virginia Senator one day. (Maybe loose the faux hawk haircut prior to campaigning!)

Your country will be better off for years to come due to your work in bringing down Allen and winning the Senate. You may have even helped to shorten a war! Sincerely, thank you!

Sidarth is a senior at the University of Virginia. Send e-mail to sr.sidarth@ gmail.com.


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