Did Russia Commit Act of War on UK?
Now, we in the USA can’t say a LOT here. We can’t moralize too much, since we routinely kidnap foreign nationals abroad, transport them to secret prisons, torture them, and hold them indefinitely with no access to lawyers. But at least we don’t contaminate and dent the economics of those countries in the process. We’re in, we’re out.
But the Russians caused “collateral damage” on this one...
The British Airways planes involved made an estimated 221 flights to 10 locations from Oct. 25 to Nov. 29, carrying some 33,000 passengers.
Here, it looks like you have some numbskull KGB agent pulling a James Bond-like whack on Litvenenko. You know, the overly elaborate kind of killing that ultimately allows the victim to escape (e.g., the death laser that takes a half hour to actually reach your crotch).
What ever happened to just popping a cap in somebody’s ass?
In this case, Litvenenko had time level a deathbed “J’Accuse!” at Putin. And increasingly it looks like the polonium trail leads back to Moscow. If I were Scotland Yard, I’d be interested in testing the Russian embassy in London, since radioactive polonium there would be a smoking (glow-in-the-dark?) gun.
Now it looks as though perhaps the Ruskies poisoned Former Russian prime minister Yegor Gaidar in Ireland as well.
I know our dear leader Dubya looked into Pootie Poot’s soul and all and saw he was a man of Jesus, or whatever, and I think it’s true that they are birds of a feather. But Vlad the Poisoner better be much more careful about what he does. I mean, this really could be read as an act of war. What if the anthrax attacks here had been traced to a foreign country?
Remember, Mother Russia, the British have nuclear materials as well.