I was temping as the assistant (basically a secretary) to a professor at Harvard Law School, when another secretary got a call from her sister about WTC. The only TV set was in the office of Lawrence Tribe, who, coincidentally, had been Al Gore's lawyer before the Supreme Court in Bush v. Gore. Professor Tribe wasn't there, however.
We watched the coverage from Tribe's office -- a few assistants, students and professors. What I remember best is that Tribe had an inflatable punching-bag style novelty doll of Edvard Munch's "The Scream" right behind the TV set, where the towers were burning. It was something like this...
And although it was meant as a novelty, It was very haunting and to this day I'll always associate Munch's "The Scream" with the burning towers.
I left HLS about an hour later and went home and made my wife come home from work. We gassed up the car, and were basically ready to head out of Boston for a few days. We stayed put, however, and simply got back into the flow of life with the rest of the country.
I wonder: would 9/11 have happened if Professor Tribe had WON the case of Bush v. Gore in 2000?