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01 June 2006

POLL: Bush is the worst president ever! Mission Accomplished!

Spying, lying Bush kicked Nixon's lying, bigoted ass in this ranking. Bravo, King George!

Strong Democratic sentiment pushes President George W. Bush to the top of the list when American voters pick the worst U.S. President in the last 61 years. Bush is named by 34 percent of voters, followed by Richard Nixon at 17 percent and Bill Clinton at 16 percent, according to a Quinnipiac University national poll released today. Leading the list for best President since 1945 is Ronald Reagan with 28 percent, and Clinton with 25 percent.

President Bush is ranked worst by 56 percent of Democrats, 35 percent of independent voters and 7 percent of Republicans, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University poll finds. Best ranking for Reagan comes from 56 percent of Republicans, 7 percent of Democrats and 25 percent of independent voters. Among American voters 18 - 29 years old, Clinton leads the "best" list with 40 percent.

Okay, it's settled. Here is the poll.

It's sort of interesting that Reagan tops Kennedy and, gosh, I suppose Truman too. (Truman should have never dopped the Big One on the Japanese without at least showing them an A-bomb test).

But "worst prez ever" Bush is the logical extention of "best prez" Ronnie's trickle down Reganomics and cultural values. I guess the big dif between them is that Reagan was "The Great Communicator" while Bush is A BIG LIAR. Personally, I'd give my props to FDR, but he's beyong the 61 year limit.

And, by the way, look at how pathetic Dubya's support is:

The main reasons cited by American voters who approve of Bush are that he is a strong leader who does what he thinks is right - 18 percent; and that he is doing a good job handling terrorism - 15 percent.

All in all, I'd say we don't have to wait for history to judge the Bush Admin. (although historians will surely tear him to smithereens) -- the American people have already spoken! And, for my part, I agree.


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