The GOP’s Catch-22 on Immigration
The GOP’s self-inflicted immigration policy fiasco forces the Rupugs to choose between two of their most cherished values: xenophobia and corporate greed. Today, behind the evil firewall at the New York Times, Krugman is typically insightful. While Progressives should emphasize limits on the influx of undocumented workers and enforcement of existing law ...
Democrats and progressives should approach the Republican’s policy on immigration the same way a kid approaches a piñata. Whack it hard, amigos, and votes will fall down like rain!
Three suggestions: 1) Emphasize strict enforcement of current law and better funding for border security programs that would limit the number of illegal immigrants. 2) Stress the importance of compassion and charity as a bedrock American values and 3) Marry this issue to the dire need to raise the minimum wage in the United States.
Folks, it is downright insulting to United States citizens to hear King George whine about “jobs that Americans will not do.” Americans are among the hardest working, most productive people in the world. Americans have never shied away from hard, dangerous, boring or disgusting work, Mr. Bush!
Rather, they have shunned work that does not provide a living wage. As Krugman points out today, “The willingness of American to do a job depends on how much that job pays -- and the reason some jobs pay to little to attract native-born Americans is competition from poorly-paid immigrants.”
Lastly, I think Democrats, progressives, netroots denizens, dKossers, and everyone else on the side of light and goodness should get out there and take a Spanish language class! We need to engage and enroll these new Americans that have been marching in the streets for their basic rights.
The harsh anti-immigration legislation passed the House, which has led to huge protests -- legislation that would, among other things, make it a criminal act to provide an illegal immigrant with medical care -- is simply immoral.
Meanwhile, Mr. Bush’s plan for a “guest worker” program is clearly desinged by and for corporate interests, who’d love to have a low-wage workforce that couldn’t vote.
Democrats and progressives should approach the Republican’s policy on immigration the same way a kid approaches a piñata. Whack it hard, amigos, and votes will fall down like rain!
Three suggestions: 1) Emphasize strict enforcement of current law and better funding for border security programs that would limit the number of illegal immigrants. 2) Stress the importance of compassion and charity as a bedrock American values and 3) Marry this issue to the dire need to raise the minimum wage in the United States.
Folks, it is downright insulting to United States citizens to hear King George whine about “jobs that Americans will not do.” Americans are among the hardest working, most productive people in the world. Americans have never shied away from hard, dangerous, boring or disgusting work, Mr. Bush!
Rather, they have shunned work that does not provide a living wage. As Krugman points out today, “The willingness of American to do a job depends on how much that job pays -- and the reason some jobs pay to little to attract native-born Americans is competition from poorly-paid immigrants.”
Lastly, I think Democrats, progressives, netroots denizens, dKossers, and everyone else on the side of light and goodness should get out there and take a Spanish language class! We need to engage and enroll these new Americans that have been marching in the streets for their basic rights.
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