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21 March 2006

Counter-RNC, Pro-Feingold Ad w/ Voice Over

Adapted from the new GOP attack ad on Feingold.

Voice Over:

September eleventh changed our country.

The terrorists hated our freedoms.

Senator Russel Feingold is working to keep American families free. Fighting against the PATRIOT Act which has dissolved Americans’ civil liberties and made secret FBI snooping into citizens’ library records legal and routine. But Republicans are working against these efforts to secure our freedom, pushing for the PATRIOT Act and warrentless wiretapping of Americans in direct defiance of the Fourth Amendment and the FISA laws passed by Congress.

Their leader is George W. Bush.

Now Bush and other Republicans want to attack Russ Feingold. Publicly reprimanding Senator Feingold for fighting to protect our civil rights.

Some Republicans are even saying Senator Feingold is something less than an honorable American patriot.

Is this how Republicans plan to win their "Long War?"

Who are they fighting anyway?

Call the White House and ask them why they’re more interested in secret illegal spying on Americans than on protecting our ports and winning in Iraq.


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