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22 February 2006

Ports of Terror

I don’t want the government of the United Arab Emirates managing ports in New York City where I live and have a baby daughter. It’s crazy. Isn’t Usama supposed to be the one who attacked us on 9/11?

This isn't racism. One reason I'm against it is this
Brookings Institution poll. Only ten percent of those in the United Arab Emirates had a “favorable” impression of the United States, and that was before the catastrophe of Bush’s Iraq War. Unfavorable views of the U.S. were held by 86 percent. Can you imagine the heartfelt attitude of Dubai Port World’s owners, managers and workers today?

Furthermore, According to CIA director George “Slam Dunk” Tenant’s testimony to the
9/11 commission, the UAE’s princes like to hunt and go falconing with Usama bin Laden:

MR. FIELDING: Yeah. Well, I would appreciate that on behalf of the Commission if you could do that because it seemed that this -- when the intelligence was so good, and that by the time the camp was dismantled days and days had passed.

So I would appreciate --

MR. TENET: There's also a question, I believe, as to whether bin Ladin was inside or outside the camp --

MR. FIELDING: Of course.

MR. TENET: -- it was a complicating issue in this whole thing -- and whether he was there or not. So there's a second complicating factor here.

The third complicating factor here is, you might have wiped out half the royal family in the UAE in the process, which I'm sure entered into everybody's calculation in all this.

But in any event, I would like -- I will try and reconstruct the data as best I can, in terms of what I had in my possession at the time.

And according to the New York Times today:

[Dubai] was also the main transshipment point for Abdul Qadeer Khan, a Pakistani nuclear engineer who ran the world's largest nuclear proliferation ring from warehouses near the port, met Iranian officials there, and shipped centrifuge equipment, which can be used to enrich uranium, from there to Libya.

So, hmmm, let’s CONNECT SOME DOTS!


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