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17 February 2006

Bush's U.N. Plane Hoax

When not shooting each other in the face for weekend relaxation, the Bush neocons have been doing hard work to deceive Ameicans and the world at large. According to Lawless World by Philippe Sands, Bush was so worried that the fake intelligence (like those lame cartoon chemical lab trucks) hyped by Colin Powell at the U.N. wouldn’t sufficiently rile up Americans and the U.N. Security Council for an Iraq war, he decided to paint up a U.S. spy plane as a U.N. plane and fly it over Iraq, in hopes that Saddam would shoot it down.

In fact, Democrats.com is now offering $1,000 to any reporter who will directly ask Bush this question:

"How can you claim you were trying to avoid war through the UN, when you told Prime Minister Blair on Jan. 31, 2003, that if you failed to get a resolution from the UN authorizing war, 'military action would follow anyway' - including a scheme to paint a U.S. spy plane in U.N. colors to provoke an Iraqi attack on the U.N. itself?

It’s a great idea, offering to pay the media to ask tough questions, since reporters are evidently being paid not to ask them by their “mainstream” corporate overlords at GE or Disney or Viacom.


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