To the Mountaintop!

It is both sad and ironic that Mrs. King’s passing comes as the powers-that-be again go on bloody military adventures, again arrogantly flout the law of the land to spy illegally upon peace activists and workers for social equality. The ACLU in Georgia has uncovered Pentagon spying upon vegans, “peace moms” and others.
Also, Mrs. King passes away as the legal protections for civil disobedience, privacy, free speech, freedom of association and the press, are all under sustained attack. Look no further than the mass jailing and long, harsh detention of protestors at the 2004 GOP convention here in New York City, where dissenters were banned from assembling on the Central Park lawn. (New York City is also where bicyclists participating in Critical Mass rides are routinely arrested). Look at all our jailed journalists. Look at the secret searches of our library records, mail, e-mail and homes.
Now, with the Supreme Court’s addition of Sam Alito, the scales of justice have tipped much further to the right. Expect the same, but more of it.
There is still much work to do for social justice, for peace and for equality in the United States. Let’s be motivated by the Kings’ good example and not falter or fail to speak up in the face of government intimidation. Let’s see the ascension of a neo-fascist like Alito as a moment to steel ourselves for the fights that will come on our way to Dr. King’s “mountaintop” rather than a moment to cower in defeat.